Elona Beauty Studio Botox Services

Book now your appointment with our award winning team that specializes in eyebrow and lip services in the greater Boston area.


Otherwise known as Botox®, a simple, nonsurgical treatment to relax facial muscles, allowing for bothersome lines and wrinkles to disappear.  Results can be seen as quickly as 7 days and last anywhere from 3-6 months.

Vitamin Injections

A non-invasive intramuscular injection that provides your body with a mix of vitamins including Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic Acid (B5), Pyridoxine (B6), Biotin (B7), Folate (B9), Cobalamin (B12), Amino Acids, and Chromium.


A non-surgical, FDA-approved injectable for reducing fat below the chin, commonly known as a “double chin”. Kybella® contains a naturally occurring substance in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat, thus destroying fat cells permanently. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.


How does Botox Cosmetic work?

Botox Cosmetic is a purified protein that relaxes the muscles under the skin. Overactive muscle contraction, combined with age-related loss of collagen under the skin, is responsible for much of the wrinkling effect seen on aging faces. By forcing the muscle to relax in a certain area, the wrinkling disappears or at least improves significantly with the use of Botox Cosmetic.

Is Botox Cosmetic safe?

Physicians have used botulinum toxin safely and extensively for more than 20 years to treat a variety of muscular diseases as well as wrinkles. The injection causes temporary weakness of only those muscles injected.

How long will it last?

An improvement can be seen within days and normally lasts 3-4 months, although results may vary. After repeated treatment cycles, the effects may last longer.

Who is a candidate for Botox Cosmetic?

Since it acts by relaxing muscles, it is more effective for the treatment of “dynamic” wrinkles (those that appear while using facial muscles, such as smiling or frowning) than on “static” wrinkles, which are there all the time. If you desire a more youthful look by elevating your brow, Botox Cosmetic is an excellent choice.

What should I expect?

Botox Cosmetic injection treatments are attractive because they are relatively inexpensive and require no recovery time. Injections are done with a fine needle and require no anesthesia. By carefully choosing the muscles to treat, we weaken only the wrinkle-producing muscles while preserving natural facial expression. Treatment takes about 15 minutes. Most patients can return to work immediately. Patients should avoid strenuous physical activity for the first 24 hours after the injection. The effect is not immediate. It usually takes up to five days to notice a reduction in muscle activity and full effects are seen at two weeks. Potential risks are thoroughly discussed with you before your first treatment.

Meet the artist behind the brand; Elona Ajazi

Today, Elona gets the honor to make perfect brows on over 1000 new faces annually. With a growing social media presence and fans, and a constantly booked calendar, this eyebrow expert has people booking appointments from all over the east coast. Elona gives you perfect and natural brows, with zero morning touch up needed. Elona's caring and patient personality makes it an easy pain free soothing experience. When working with Elona you will feel relaxed and enjoy this beauty treatment in her state of the art Beauty Studio.

Meet Sofjola Thomai

At Elona Beauty Studio we are proud to partner with the best of the industry.

Botox is a service that requires licensing, experience, and a deep understanding for nervous system in the human body. Who better to be trusted with such a service than our nurse and Elona Beauty Team member: Sofjola Thomai. Sofjola is a registered nurse which a Bachelor in Science Nursing degree. Her story started in her home country of Albania, where she has always had a love and passion for impacting lives and putting a smile on her patients faces. Sofjola joined the Beauty by Elona team in 2021 to help ensure our clients get the best care with Botox treatments. At Elona Beauty Studio our goal is to give you a natural look and preventive care when lifting aging and wrinkle lines. Sofjola will work with the client for the best results in our free consultative session.


Sofjola Thomai

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+1 774-253-7571

101 Pleasant Street, Suite 207 Worcester, MA, 01609
